
Common Penalties of an OUI Convection in Massachusetts


A first-offense OUI in Massachusetts is a misdemeanor. While this may seem like a serious matter, the state has stringent OUI laws. When convicted of OUI, you can face up to 2.5 years in jail. Even if a conviction does not lead to jail time, OUIs carry different harsh penalties. This makes it essential to hire a Massachusetts OUI defense attorney as early as possible. The following are the penalties you may face when convicted of OUI. 

Monetary Penalties

An OUI conviction is costly. A lot of those who are facing OUI charges don’t hire a defense attorney due to the related cost. But the retaining a lawyer is usually cost-effective compared to facing serious penalties. An OUI conviction can lead to state-imposed and court fines and fees. Such costs also do not factor in the transportation cost you may incur while using alternative transportation while you have no access to your suspended driver’s license. Also, you should be worried about the wages you might lose if you miss work to attend hearings in court. 

License and Driving Penalties

An OUI conviction can lead to driver’s license suspension for a period of one year. Although you can attend some courses to lessen this time, you will have to pay for the associated fees. In addition, Massachusetts requires the installation of Ignition Interlock Devices on vehicles owned and operated by a person convicted of an OUI. This is the case if their breathalyzer test is at least 0.15 to obtain a hardship license. 

Lifestyle Penalties

OUI convictions in the state remain in your records forever. Thus, whenever a possible employer or landlord conducts a background check on you, an OUI conviction on your record will show up. 

Without a defense lawyer representing you when facing OUI charges in Massachusetts, you may not be able to litigate your issue to get a dismissal. If you do not want to face the harsh consequences of a DUI conviction, it is in your best interest to hire a lawyer. 

In addition, should be convicted of OUI and have an attorney on your side, the penalties you may face can be reduced. In fact, you will have a good chance of getting a not-guilty verdict. Just ensure you hire an OUI defense attorney with decades of experience successfully defending clients in this type of case. Hire a lawyer as soon as possible while evidence is still available. The sooner an attorney can evaluate your case the better the defense strategy they can develop. 


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